Tuesday 20 January 2009

Have you completed the series?

If you complete all the caches in my armoury, I'll give you a banner that you can display on your Geocaching profile, on forums, on Facebook, Myspace, and anywhere else.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr Legend,

    Can I just say what a fantastic time we have had while doing the series over the last 4 weekends.

    Been to some lovely places and met some lovely people.

    I can't begin to imagine how much time and effort it has taken you to put this all together, but it was sure worth it.

    It has taken up almost all our spare time since the start of Feb and I'm just wondering what we are going to fill it with now.

    So finally, thanks very much for the whole series and if we meet you at one of the events we will buy you a pint or two.

    Oh and last thing any chance of the completed banner for our profile.

    Simon & Liz (Eurochamps)
